View options

This menu provides options to rearrange the interface and the map view.

Elevation profile

Hide the elevation profile to make room for the map, or show it to inspect the current selection.

File tree

Toggle the tree layout for the file list. This layout is ideal for managing a large number of open files, as it organizes them into a vertical list on the right side of the map. In addition, the file tree view enables you to inspect the tracks, segments, and points of interest contained inside the files through collapsible sections.

Switch to previous basemap

Change the basemap to the one previously selected through the map layer control.

Toggle overlays

Toggle the visibility of the map overlays selected through the map layer control.

Distance markers

Toggle the visibility of distance markers on the map. They are displayed for the current selection, like the elevation profile.

Direction arrows

Toggle the visibility of direction arrows on the map.

Toggle 3D

Enter or exit the 3D map view.

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